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How to write a business plan for GRANTfinder

Kent History & Library Centre James Whatman Way, Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom

Did you know that having a good business plan can help with funding? Learn how to optimise your business plan for GrantFinder. GrantFinder is a database that you can use within the Kent History & Library Centre. This database allows you to search for all types of funding opportunities from loans, awards, and grants to...

The by-business thinking

Kent History & Library Centre James Whatman Way, Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom

Just like products can have by-products, every business could have a by-business. Learn how you can explore and expand your ideas Just like products can have by-products, every business could have a by-business (a business within a business). Most of the time, people don't explore possibilities within their business to offer more, which could expand...

How to write a Business Plan (Hybrid Event)

Kent History & Library Centre James Whatman Way, Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom

Learn the ins and outs of how to write a successful business plan as you start your business journey to success. This is a hybrid event, you will be able to join in person at the Kent History & Library Centre, Maidstone or live online via a zoom link that will be sent to you...