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20th June 2022 @ 13:00 pm - 14:00 pm

This in-person seminar provides an introduction to intellectual property (IP) and the importance of identifying, managing, and protecting your assets. Whatever your idea, whether it’s an invention, a brand name, or a song, intellectual property can be very lucrative and play a vital role in your business.

We’ll talk about the basics of IP, give you an overview on how to avoid infringing on other people’s rights, and signpost you to useful links, resources, and formal legal advice. This 45 -minute webinar will cover the following:

Intro to IP



Registered designs


Protecting Your IP Overseas

IP Disputes

You can also book a follow-up one-to-one conversation with a Business & IP Centre Advisor to discuss how these topics may apply to your business. Our webinar and follow-up consultations are information-only and no direct legal advice will be given.

Booking details

This in-person seminar is free to join and open to all. We’ll be hosting this seminar in the multi-use room at Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone.

There will be an opportunity afterward to tour the BIPC Kent hub, network with fellow attendees, and talk to our BIPC Kent staff members to learn more about BIPC Kent and what we have to offer.

If there is anything we can do to help you access this session more easily, please do get in touch at and we will do our best to help.

Book via link below:

Understanding Intellectual Property Tickets, Mon 20 Jun 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite




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Kent History & Library Centre
James Whatman Way
Maidstone, Kent ME14 1LQ United Kingdom
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