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How do I research my market?

28th February 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

A guide to using published market research sources and field research to find information on your business sector.

Every business needs to understand their market. This workshop will include market size, trends, competitors, and customer attitudes. This workshop will take you through key information sources available for free in the Business & IP Centre and elsewhere online. It will cover practical examples of finding relevant information from our databases such as Cobra, Mintel and IBIS World. As well as freely available sources on the internet.

It will also cover essential field research to complement published market research. This will help find out what your customers think about your specific product or service, including how much they are prepared to pay for it. We will look at how to engage with your customers to find out what they really think, instead of the answers they think you want to hear.

Increase your chances of business success


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The British Library Business & IP Centre supports people to start, protect and grow their businesses. You are welcome to take part in our regular programme of workshops and events.

Presented by Amy Miller

Amy is an Information Expert. She’s a researcher for the Get Ready for Business Growth programme. She has worked with a diverse range of businesses from all sectors, especially helping those who are at a start-up and growth level.



28th February 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am




British Library

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