Finding and attracting outstanding people to join your team has never been harder.
How can that be when there are so many people looking for jobs?
The haystack with your needle in just got a lot bigger!
The task of recruiting for your company or team becomes nearly impossible and 100% unenjoyable for all if you’re relying on 20th-century recruitment methods.
A bums-on-seats, ‘CV and interview-only’ approach to your recruitment just doesn’t cut it.
Join Helen Sanders, the UK’s leading recruiter for entrepreneurial, start-up and scale-up companies, for an interactive live training for our 90-minute webinar.
Plenty of discussion and Q&A time.
In this 90-min FREE interactive online training, you’ll discover:
- A proven 6-step hiring framework, the Your People Partners Playbook, on which you can base your next hiring process
- The one thing you must do before you even think about advertising a new vacancy
- The one thing you definitely should NOT do which nearly always leads to mis-hires
- The fundamental step in your hiring plan you must never, ever skip
- A bunch of quick wins to minimise hiring the wrong people
- An overview of the legal and financial onus on you, as the business owner, when you’re recruiting permanent staff.
Your bonus:
- You will leave the workshop with a 6-step proven framework proven to minimise or even negate the need for expensive recruitment fees and dealing with recruiters!
This hiring strategy has been developed over the last 24 years in the UK, US and European recruitment and HR markets helping thousands of companies hire retail, sales, marketing, C-level, admin, customer service and many more skill sets.
Is this workshop for you?
If you are:
- a business owner aspiring to have five to ten employees or team members over this next year
- a hiring manager within a company of five to fifty employees
- or the business owner of a company with 5 to 50 employees
- An HR person with Recruitment accountabilities in a start-up, scale-up, business-owner-led or entrepreneurial company
Then, yes, this is an ideal workshop for you.
You’ll learn a strategy that works for remote/virtual teams as well as hybrid and in-person companies. Implement what you learn so you can maximise your recruitment and company successes.
Most companies utilising the Your People Partners Playbook have between five and fifty employees and are a mixture of B2B or B2C. Most are either business-owner-led and owned, or employee-owned.